Neal Cooley and Juanita Tackett died after car accident in Roscommon, MI

Posted by Lorie Orum on Friday, May 17, 2024

Neal Cooley and Juanita Tackett were both passengers in a vehicle that was involved in an accident on the 10th of June, 2023.

The incident took place on a Saturday. According to the reports, the fatal accident apparently took place in Roscommon, which is located in the state of Michigan.

Both Cooley and Tackett were found to have sustained fatal injuries as a result of the collision, and both were subsequently pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. When this article was written, the formal report that the police had created detailing the crash had not yet been made available to the general public.

The unexpected deaths of Neal and Juanita have left their family members and friends in a state of complete and utter despair. Cooley worked for Fred’s of Roscommon, which was located in Roscommon. Lisa Orr, who resides in Roscommon, Michigan, made a post on Facebook stating that one of the things that she does not like about living in a small town and working retail is

that you get to know your customers, and it is so damn hard to find out that they have moved on when you’ve come to know them so well. Orr is referring to the fact that it is so damn hard to find out that someone has moved on after having gotten to know them so well. She penned the words, “Rip Neal Cooley and Juanita Tackett forever in my heart,” on the paper.

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