Orlando Brown says Michael Jackson, Will Smith raped him when he was a child in bizarre new video

Posted by Lorie Orum on Friday, May 17, 2024

Orlando Brown has accused both, Michael Jackson and Will Smith, of sexually assaulting him when he was a child, as well as his entire family.

In a bizarre video that has been making the rounds on social media since Wednesday, April 15, the former 'That's So Raven' star ranted incoherently about numerous things, including the sexual assaults, and about how he might be one of their sons.

Brown starts by sitting in front of his camera and talking about Will Smith before going on a tirade about Michael Jackson and claiming that he was "set up" by the "King of Pop" to be raped. He goes on to accuse Smith of raping him, as well as his kids and threateningly rams a knife that he's holding onto the table. "Every time I see you I want to slice your neck, m*****f*****," he says.

He adds that Smith keeps trying to "get away" with what he's done and seemingly justifies his death threat by quoting the Bible.

The video gets even more bizarre from there. He insists that he is Trey, which is the name of Smith's oldest son. "I'm Trey. I'm your long-lost son, shrimp b****," he screams. He then changes his name and says he's Trent.

But he wasn't quite done. He then states he's the real Blanket Jackson who was abandoned and then later raped. "You've been abandoning your son for years, n****. I'm Trey. Everyone know who Trey is," he says.

He alleges that Jackson, Smith, or both raped his entire family and took his house and ends by stating that Will Smith is the real Michael Jackson. Throughout the rant, he's aggressively combing his hair, and concerned fans are now calling for him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

"It’s just sad at this point...," one user wrote. "Clearly this man needs psychological help...," another said.

"At this point I really want somebody to reach out to him with mental help and support. It’s clearly needed," a third commented.

This is not the first time that Brown has made such a contentious claim. MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) previously reported how he had appeared in a viral video where he said he had allowed Nick Cannon to perform oral sex on him.

Cannon even responded to the claim and used the opportunity to talk about the "demonic" ways of the entertainment industry, specifically how it forces young, often highly talented stars into a life of addiction and inner turmoil. 

He highlighted how detrimental the industry can be to a young celebrity's mental health and said he was "praying" for Brown to get better, before adding that he hoped that the community would "embrace" the young star as opposed to shunning him in his time of need.

Brown has also been arrested numerous times, including on charges of assault, illegal possession of drugs, resisting arrest, and obstructing a public official.

He was also arrested after he attempted to change the locks of Legends Restaurant & Venue in Las Vegas that was owned by his childhood friend and former 'Death Row' artist, Danny Boy.
