Paul Konrad's wife has always been supportive of his thriving career

Posted by Arica Deslauriers on Friday, May 17, 2024

Nine-time Emmy award-winning television weather anchor Paul Konrad lives a happy life with his family of seven—his wife, four kids, and his mother. The proud father, who accidentally became a forecaster, doesn't shy away from any opportunity to flaunt his beautiful family on his social media handles.

His Instagram is flooded with pictures of his wife and kids. Judging by the looks of it, he has it all, from a successful career to a beautiful family to go home to.

Konrad Is Blessed to Have an Understanding Wife

The creative reporter has been very open about his feelings towards his family on social media, especially his wife, Kirsten. 

On May 13, 2019, he posted a picture with an appreciation note for his wife. The photo was of his four kids and wife, all but Kirsten has a still shot with all of his kids' faces blurred due to movement. In his caption, he expressed how grateful he was towards Kirsten for being both a wonderful mother and wife. Along with the appreciation, he jokingly said how she was the only one who could sit still enough not to get blurred out on the picture.

Paul Konrad posts an appreciation note for his wife on his Facebook. (Source: Facebook)

The couple first met while both of them were working for WGN-TV. In an interview, Konrad said that because Kirsten was a former WGN-TV producer, she understood the complexities that his job requires. He also mentioned that his wife has made him more respectful towards the producers and their struggles.

It’s helpful because she understands the complexities of my work, and she also helps me be more respectful of the challenges producers face.

The fact that they come from the same line of work may be their mantra for success in having a lovely family and a successful career.

He Became a Weather Forecaster by Accident

The favorite weatherman of Chicago landed his job as a weatherman by accident, or as some may say. He stepped into the job when his friend—who at that time happened to be a weather forecaster—asked him his views on joining the weather forecast department. 

Paul started his career as a news photographer and reporter. He left the job as it took a negative toll on him. Often his job required him to visit sites where tragedies had occurred, and it just wasn't his cup of tea.

Talking about his struggles, Konrad doesn't hesitate to mention how bad he was when he first began weather forecasting. The 'Emmy Award' winner openly admits that he would often fall short of breath and was close to passing out once in his early days.

From being a Rookie to where he is now, the weatherman has come a long way—both in terms of professional and personal life.

He is an inspiration to many and a proud host of the Friday Forecaster segment, where he features elementary school-aged children forecasting the weather live on WGN Morning News every Friday.
