Porn star Lynn Pleasant, who tried to get father of her 3 kids killed, sentenced to 10 years in pris

Posted by Zora Stowers on Friday, May 17, 2024

COEUR D’ALENE, IDAHO: An adult film actress has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty for attempted murder. According to reports, Katrina Danforth, 32, tried to hire a hitman to kill the father of her three kids.

Danforth, whose stage name is Lynn Pleasant, was sentenced by an Idaho federal court on Tuesday. She had been caught after communicating with the hitman, who was actually a police officer undercover, reported .

Idaho's local publication, , said Danforth became the center of the investigation after she allegedly confided to a friend that she wanted a person killed and her friend connected her to the "hitman" who she then agreed to meet in October. She was arrested on five counts of using interstate commerce in the "commission of murder for hire", according to the publication. 

When she met him, the deal was to pay him $5,000 in exchange for killing someone identified as RH in court documents. She also allegedly had "had specific requirements that the hitman was to accomplish, such as RH’s body had to be found and (she) did not care if others who lived in the home were harmed as long as her own child was not harmed," it was reported. She also provided him with details about the potential victim.

“On Nov. 10, 2018, Danforth mailed a thank you card with $2,500 in it from Idaho to the hitman’s address in Montana,” the document quoted Assistant US Attorney Traci Whelan as saying, “This money was the down payment for the hit with the remaining $2,500 to be paid after RH was murdered." She was arrested in December 2018. 

During her sentencing, she was also ordered by the court to "immediately" an assessment fee and a fine of up to $1,000, Fox reported. After her sentence is served, she will be placed under three years of probation.
