Warren Jeffs- Bio, Crime scene, Facts, Scandal

Posted by Zora Stowers on Sunday, May 19, 2024

Warren Jeffs is a former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), a sect that practices polygamy and considers itself to be the true Mormon church. 

Early Life and Childhood

Warren Jeffs was born on December 3, 1955, in Sacramento, California, to Rulon Jeffs and Marilyn Steed. He was raised in a polygamous family as the eighth of Rulon Jeffs’ 79 children. He is 67 years old.

Warren Jeffs spent most of his childhood in Utah and Arizona. His family moved to be closer to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) community.

Warren Jeffs was homeschooled and brought up in a strict religious environment. As he grew older, he became more involved in the FLDS and began to assume leadership roles within the church.

In the late 1970s, Warren Jeffs served a mission in Texas and Louisiana, where he recruited new members for the FLDS and gained a reputation as a charismatic and persuasive speaker. After returning to Utah, he continued to rise in the ranks of the FLDS and eventually became one of his father’s top advisors.


There is limited information available on Warren Jeffs’ education, but it is known that he was homeschooled as a child in the FLDS community. As a young adult, he served as a missionary for the FLDS Church in Texas and Louisiana in the late 1970s, where he recruited new members and gained a reputation as a charismatic speaker.

It is unclear if Warren Jeffs pursued any formal higher education after his missionary work, as he began to assume leadership roles within the FLDS Church at a relatively young age. Jeffs’s focus was primarily on the spiritual and religious education of FLDS members and the strict enforcement of FLDS doctrines and rules.

Crime Scene

Warren Jeffs’ career was primarily focused on his leadership within the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) community. After serving as a missionary in Texas and Louisiana in the late 1970s, Jeffs began to assume more prominent leadership roles within the FLDS Church.

Warren Jeffs

Caption: Warren Sentenced to Life Prison Source: Women’s Health

In the early 1990s, Warren was one of his father’s top advisors and was seen as a potential successor to Rulon Jeffs, who was the prophet and leader of the FLDS at the time. After his father died in 2002, Warren assumed leadership of the FLDS and was officially designated as the sect’s prophet and leader.

During his tenure as FLDS prophet, Jeffs implemented strict and often oppressive rules and policies within the community. So, he preached a fundamentalist interpretation of Mormon doctrine that emphasized the importance of polygamy, the subordination of women, and the separation of the FLDS community from mainstream society.

Jeffs also wielded significant control over the daily lives of FLDS members, including dictating their dress, grooming, and behavior.

Warren Jeffs

Caption: Warren is at court Source: Oxygen

Jeffs’s leadership was controversial, and his FLDS community became the subject of numerous investigations and legal actions by law enforcement and government agencies. Therefore, in 2006, Jeffs was listed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives after he fled criminal charges related to his role in arranging marriages between underage girls and adult men within the FLDS community.

Although, he eventually get arrested in 2006 and was later convicted of multiple charges, including sexual assault of a child and rape as an accomplice. He is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

Warren Jeffs – Net Worth 2023

It is unclear what the net worth of Warren is, and it is unlikely that he has any significant personal wealth or assets at this time. So, Jeffs was convicted of several crimes related to the abuse of underage girls and the exploitation of the FLDS community, and as a result, many of his assets may have been seized or frozen by the authorities.

Furthermore, the FLDS community, of which Jeffs was the leader, has faced significant financial struggles in recent years due to a combination of legal issues and a decline in membership. So, many former members have accused Jeffs of financial mismanagement and using the resources of the community for his benefit.


Warren, the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), a Mormon fundamentalist sect, was involved in several scandals throughout his tenure.

Jeffs arranged underage girls’ marriages with older men in the FLDS community. So, in 2011, he was convicted of two counts of rape as an accomplice for facilitating a 14-year-old girl’s marriage to her 19-year-old cousin.

Warren Jeffs

Caption: Warren going to solve case Source: The Patriot Ledger

Jeffs got accused of physically and sexually abusing his wives and young girls in the FLDS community. Moreover, former members also accused him of financial mismanagement, using his position to enrich himself and his family.

The scandal surrounding Jeffs and the FLDS community has brought attention to the issue of child marriage and the exploitation of young girls in religious communities. Moreover, it has also raised questions about the balance between religious freedom and the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

Warren Jeffs – Social Media

Warren does not have any official social media accounts. After being convicted on charges related to child sexual abuse and the forced marriages of underage girls in the FLDS community, he is currently serving a life sentence in a Texas prison.
