Who is Kelly Ann Schutte? Philadelphia school Counselor arrested for sex with 14-year-old student

Posted by Abbie Anker on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Kelly Ann Schutte, a Pennsylvania school guide, has to deal with penalties of rape including a center school understudy
The examination, started on July 18, 2023, uncovers claims of a continuous heartfelt and sexual relationship beginning around 2022
The school locale answered by putting Schutte on semi-voluntary vacation

Kelly Ann Schutte, a 35-year-old life coach from Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, is having to deal with penalties of institutional rape, defilement of minors, and revolting attack affecting an individual under a predetermined age.

The allegations surfaced after an examination was started on July 18, 2023, provoked by a lady revealing her kid child’s contribution in a heartfelt and sexual relationship with Schutte, a guide at Pennridge South Center School.

Pennridge SD (BUCKS County) School Counselor Arrest For Sex with 14 yr old student

The Montgomery County DA’s Office announces charges against Kelly Ann Schutte, a middle school guidance counselor, with 4 felony counts of Institutional Sexual Assault, 1 count of felony… pic.twitter.com/K2xVTimFGc

— PhillyCrimeUpdate (@PhillyCrimeUpd) November 10, 2023

Who is Kelly Ann Schutte?

Kelly Ann Schutte’s personality has been pushed into the spotlight as charges of improper lead arose. As a life coach at Pennridge South Center School, Schutte assumed a vital part in the existences of understudies. Nonetheless, ongoing occasions have brought up issues about her activities and the expected break of trust with an understudy under her consideration.

The examination, started by the high schooler’s folks finding him at Schutte’s home the evening of July 17, revealed upsetting subtleties. The criminal protest frames the high schooler’s panicked call to his folks and his ensuing disclosure of a heartfelt and sexual relationship with Schutte. The claims recommend that this relationship had been progressing since the fall of 2022, including rehashed sexual contact across Bucks and Montgomery areas in June and July of 2023.

The adolescent unveiled that correspondence among him and Schutte happened through the school area’s informing application “Material” and the web-based entertainment application Snapchat. Police tracked down messages, pictures, and manually written notes on the youngster’s cellphone, supporting his articulations. Observation film likewise caught Schutte and the high schooler together at different areas.

Charges were authoritatively documented against Schutte, prompting her arraignment on Friday. Because of the claims, Pennridge School Locale Administrator Angelo Berrios III tended to the school local area. The region made a prompt move, putting Schutte on semi-voluntary vacation, restricting her from entering school premises or having any contact with understudies and staff. The locale is effectively helping out the Head prosecutor’s Office in their continuous examination.
